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The Legacy Lodge Build

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THE GOAL: To build a permanent place of sanctuary for at-risk children and teens. A meeting house for our Open Hearts Youth Group where the door is always open for vulnerable kids in need of a hot meal or a place to stay.


​This goal is becoming reality and we couldn't be more excited!


TARGET: £100,000

Why is Legacy Lodge needed?

Legacy Lodge is being built in an area where there are very high levels of poverty, addiction and abuse. Children from these homes need somewhere to go when things get tough. The group that will use this new facility is made up of local children and children from a Women's Crisis Centre that we also support.

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Why should we help?

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect each young person that will benefit from Legacy Lodge. Each has a parent who is an addict, or they endure neglect and poverty or there is abuse at home. Research shows that ACEs often cause these children future physical and emotional problems including addiction. This facility will assist in breaking this cycle.

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How is this happening?

Much prayer has gone into the preparation for this build. The land where this lodge is being constructed is owned by those who will run it. The team on hand to care for the needs of the children who will use the lodge are Christians with big hearts who want to see children healed from past traumas and help them come to know about Jesus' love for them.


Shura is from a home where his dad is an alcoholic. His mum is always out working to pay for the family, and his father’s addiction. When they are together at home, Shura doesn’t want to be there as the screaming, fights and constant swearing make home a traumatic place to be. 

Timur saw domestic abuse from a young age until he was 10. When trying to defend his mum, Timur would feel the brutal end of his father’s fists too.

Sofia spent time in an orphanage and went on to be fostered while her mum was in prison on drug abuse charges. At the foster home she lacked parental care and was forced to defend herself from the older teenagers. Thankfully, Sofia and her mum are reunited but there is a lot of pain in her young heart after the 10 years spent apart.

Artem’s father is an alcoholic who constantly declares that Artem is not his son. This has made him feel unwanted, so Artem chooses to live with his grandmother. He is a very sociable boy but hides his hurt behind a big smile.

We're so close!

£100,000 was a HUGE fundraising goal but we are over three-quarters of the way there!

Each cubed metre is costing around £333 to complete. You might like to get together in a group to raise that amount or donate an amount you choose.

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