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Women's Crisis Centre

Love Russia supports the 'Warm House' Women's Crisis Centre. Here, women (and their children) can find refuge and support to overcome homelessness and poverty, receive rehabilitation from addiction and escape domestic violence.
The aim of this Christian-led crisis centre is to help women recover from trauma so they may confidently care for themselves and their children.


The need

In Russia, mothers who seek support for domestic violence or rehabilitation from addiction face a serious risk of their children being removed and placed in orphanages.

What makes this centre so special is its inclusion of children - coping with parenting is an essential part of a mother's rehabilitation.

This also saves many from the orphanage system.

In partnership

Love Russia partners with a dedicated team whose own life experiences make them the ideal people to help those still struggling in desperate situations.

This project has grown dramatically over the years we have worked alongside the crisis centre team, both in terms of the building and facilities, as well as the number of women who have been helped to recover.

With Russia facing some of the worst statistics for domestic abuse and addiction, the need for this centre is immense. Women travel vast distances to reach it, as this kind of help is extremely rare.​


What your donations do

Donations to the crisis centre contribute towards general running costs, food, medicine, and children's educational needs.

Kiara's stepfather was violent, and her mum was an alcoholic. At 16, her carers 'let her go', so she lived in college dorms with other abandoned teens, where drugs and alcohol became regular pastimes. Her habits turned into addictions.

Pregnant by 17, she had no family to turn to and could no longer stay at college. Homeless, she was desperate for change. Her baby was one month old when she was told about the crisis centre.

Kiara and her baby are now safe and supported. With counselling available and her basic needs met, she has every chance of a new future.

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