On the 6th to 8th of March 2016 at a Church Centre in the suburbs of Moscow, a youth weekend for up to 40 orphanage leavers is being held. Most of the young people invited have either no knowledge of God or have only heard about Jesus through their life skills support group. Some may have on occasion attended their Mentor's church to which they are always invited.
A smaller group of young people also going are those who’ve been part of the Mentoring programme for a few years, have matured and grown spiritually and now want to give back by being Mentors themselves to the younger ones. Primarily this weekend is about God. For the non believers it will be a time of questions and answers following a format similar to what you might know as Christianity Explored or the Alpha course. For the more mature young people, it will be a time to explore their faith and discover skills that will help them become good leaders to the younger ones. Why it is not in Ryazan? Because by bringing them away from their usual surroundings, there will be no distractions and they will be more likely to take part in everything rather than having the option to wander off and do what they normally do in a place they know.
One Mentor to the young people told us....
"The previous 2 youth weekends have been blessed where several young people came to know Jesus as their saviour! Please support this weekend with your prayers as we press on for His glory. ”
The total cost to make sure all the orphanage leavers in the Ryazan group can attend this weekend is £2,400.
It would be an incredible help to support an orphanage leaver attending the weekend where they’ll have the opportunity to learn and discuss God free from distraction. The cost for one student is £60 and will cover transportation to the centre and back, accommodation for 2 nights, the hire of the conference rooms including a sports room for activities and three meals and coffee breaks each day plus materials!
If you’d like to help please get in touch or donate today stating under 'Special instructions to the recipient' that your donation is for the 'Youth Weekend'. Thank you.