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24/7 Support Under One Roof

In our previous blog we looked at ACEs, and why children and teens need help. Today, let’s look at how Legacy Lodge can provide that help.

It's reality - many young people don’t grow up in safe and nurturing homes. Legacy Lodge aims to be the safe and nurturing place that’s missing from their lives.

The Open Hearts Youth Group already tries to provide well-rounded support, but currently, with no dedicated space, this is difficult. A building of their own would serve as a drop-in centre where Dasha and her team would be in a position to provide 24 /7 support all under one roof.

Legacy Lodge will be ready to offer emergency accommodation in its two small dormitories. So, when children from dysfunctional families reach breaking point, they can be supervised and parented through a crisis period.

At the lodge, children will be able to connect with others who understand their struggles and have role models through Dasha and her team.

Development, fun and hobbies will also have the chance to take shape, and members of the community have already committed to teaching life skills such as managing money. Each child will be celebrated through birthdays and encouraged to work together to keep the lodge running successfully. 

This building is what the young people have been dreaming of, but it is going to need funding. We need £100,000 to fund the entire project, start to finish.

Find out more here.


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