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An Exciting Vision for Lent!

two boys a vision for lent

I am thrilled to share with you our new vision that is ‘Legacy Lodge’.

What is Legacy Lodge you ask?

You might be familiar with a project we facilitate called the Open Hearts Youth Group. Legacy Lodge will be an extension of that. The Open Hearts Youth Group is for vulnerable children from chaotic homes, where parents struggle to parent. This could be due to addiction, poverty or personal trauma including domestic violence.

As this youth group has grown it has become apparent that they need a place that is always open for them, day and night. Legacy Lodge will be a place to get a hot meal, have a chat with a responsible adult, and somewhere to stay during times of crisis. 

This new venture is really exciting because it can 100% meet these needs.

I was struck by something I heard recently; ‘As the church of Christ, we have the chance to invest in eternity’. This puts into words part of the reason we have called the house ‘Legacy Lodge’. It’s like planting a seed (or legacy) with an eternal impact. It will be a place where young people will come to find faith and be eternally changed! This is what it means to ‘lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven’ (Matthew 6:20).

So I hope you will join us over the next few weeks as we look at the why’s, how’s and who it is that Legacy lodge will help. Then having heard all about it, you too will catch the vision and be as excited as we are!


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