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Fundraising can be Tricky!

There are those who enter marathons, jump out of planes, or do something insane for sponsorship. For most of us, doing those things is a big no! It's easy to get self-conscious about asking others for money… even when it's to support a cause close to our hearts.

As well as fundraising for fundraising's sake, raising awareness can do immeasurably more... and you never know where that might lead!

We are inspired to keep going with fundraising by the individuals we support. Orphan mother Odessa has four children and works two jobs that raise just a couple of hundred pounds a month for her family to live on. Our partners also make every effort to fundraise in the vicinity of their projects; getting local shops to donate nearly out-of-date food and clothing gifts from families whose children have outgrown them. It’s not an easy task given that most people in Russia are only just managing themselves so monetary gifts are exceedingly rare.

How do we make fundraising (or raising awareness) easier?

  • Don't set your fundraising goal too high.

  • Have realistic expectations and remember that raising awareness and just having a conversation about the cause you are advocating is a win!

  • Do choose something you might normally do and build on that.

  • Do get us to help and support you!

Raising Awareness/Funds at Church

If you are someone who goes to a church or attends a small group you could read a notice (or ask someone to read it for you) about a charity and their latest project (i.e. Love Russia and Legacy Lodge!) – we can write these resources or provide a video on your behalf. Or you could offer slices of cake in exchange for donations and provide magazines at an after-church coffee gathering - if it's an event going on anyway, utilise it! If your church donates to mission regularly, let us know so we can approach them and start a conversation.

If your church doesn't already have our magazine delivered, ask us for as many copies as you think you they might like, and if they've never had a talk from us, ask if they would be interested!

Raising Awareness/Funds in your everyday life

If you are someone who has friends over for coffee, share a short video with them. If you are into clothes, and have an excess, organise a casual clothes swap event in your home where friends donate a pound an item. If you have items around your home you no long need or want, fundraise by listing them for sale on Facebook Marketplace (or get the grandchildren to do it if you aren’t tech savvy!).

We have met some super-imaginative fundraisers over the years who have sold paintings, done ‘doggy’ portraits, made jars of marmalade and even sold stamp collections to raise funds for Love Russia. More recently, on a trip to the Isle of Wight we met up with some supporters and learned how Bob and Pauline wanted to help the crisis centres buy their land, so they sold a chair they no longer used to raise funds!

We also met Margaret. She has a talent for ceramics and she gifted us a box full of her gorgeous and unique handmade hanging decorations. Her wish, for us to use them for fundraising! You can grab one yourself if you look at the shop page of our website.

If you have any ideas and want to discuss them with us, or even if you would like to do something but don’t know what, write to us or call us and we would be happy to help find a way for you to raise funds and awareness among your own circle of family and friends.

We fully acknowledge that fundraising specifically to support projects for needy people in Russia is hard in today’s challenging climate. As the Love Russia team, we find that when we're out sharing with others in person the needs of those relying on our projects, people respond with kindness and it sends out a message of compassion; that everyone, regardless of nationality, deserves love and support. We would be happy to provide the answers to frequently asked questions to prepare you for harder conversations.

Impact the future!

Ultimately, if you want to jump out of a plane, run a marathon or do something insane in the name of fundraising, that's fantastic! But, please remember that no matter how small you think the gesture is, such as introducing Love Russia to a new group of people, or finding a new place to distribute our charity magazine, your actions to raise awareness could have an immeasurable impact way into the future.


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