Project leaders Yan and Nadya are in the USA for safety reasons. Although far away from their orphan group, fellowship is still possible and a priority. Zoom provides the means for them to listen, encourage, offer emotional support and help with immediate financial needs. When we last spoke they let us know how their young people are coping without them...
Natalia and Alek have been struggling financially. Both have jobs, but wages are very low and with their son often ill, she has to stay home and they lose out on an already small income – this is stressful for them.
Valeria has needed help from her friends in the group to remove an abusive boyfriend who she repeatedly lets back in her life. Pray she'd be guided towards healthier relationship choices.
Stepan wants to marry. But, there are concerns that the girlfriend is only interested in his apartment and not him. Stepan needs guidance because he is emotionally vulnerable and he has learning difficulties.
Yevgeny had to leave his job and find new employment. This is really difficult because his "invalid" status is off-putting for potential employers. He is frustrated by his constant need for financial support.
Despite their group’s ongoing struggles, Yan and Nadya are thankful to hear that even without their presence, Yevgeny, Lillya and Vera are still attending church and holding onto God's promises. Even at a distance, this support group is valuable, offering their young adults a place to belong and receive practical help. Yan and Nadya have been 'parent figures' to their group for a long time so this separation is hard for them all.
Yan and Nadya must stay away for at least one year for safety and immigration reasons. During this time we will financially support their young people when needed.
Please pray for Yan and Nadya's orphan group - they desperately miss the in-person contact from this special couple they see as their parents. During this time of uprooting, pray that Yan and Nadya are able to continue praising God in every circumstance. We pray that this 'extended family' can be reunited soon.