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Time in ministry = Less time to earn a living!

Our Russian partners mirror God’s heart for justice by serving the poor. But by most people’s standards, they are only just making ends meet themselves.

One is a pastor, another is a mum and part-time interior designer, and Galina, who runs an orphan mum support group, is a teacher with a salary of around £422* per month.

In Ryazan, a cheaper city to live in, we estimate the basic monthly cost of living for one person (rent, utilities and food) to be around £370*. Add on healthcare, clothes, travel, a haircut or running a vehicle; a ‘good’ salary doesn’t cut it.

Those our partners serve mostly earn the minimum wage which sits at £138* a month in Russia. Comparatively, our partners are in a better position, but without external resources from people like us, sustaining their projects that help orphans, orphanage leavers and families in crisis would be impossible.

We’re blessed to know Christians in Russia with the same motivation, value systems and desire to help people. Our financial support covers some of their time as well as the means to buy extras for those they serve. For Galina, it means when an orphan mum calls her late at night to say her child is sick, but cannot afford the medicine, she can help.

On top of financial hardship, life in Russia is emotionally hard too. A friend said this:

"How is life? It's both the new normal and not normal at all. Trying to stay sane for my children and parents but we are not feeling optimistic about the situation we are living in... We have been hating it; the propaganda, lies, hypocrisy and the spite and aggression with which people are treated if they dare tell the truth. And the fear – it's everywhere. We can't wait for things to change… I've been struggling with depression…. But I am hanging in there, still trying to be there for my children."

Despite fear and anxiety, our 11 partners still dedicate a lot of time to helping hundreds of people in need and sharing the Gospel. Please pray for them during these challenging times and for the resources to carry on.

If you want to bless one of our Russian partners this Christmas time, why not buy the Alternative Gift ‘Money for Mission’?


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