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Chatting with orphan ministry worker Slava

LR: What got you into orphan ministry work? Slava: My broken heart. When I realised how kids were growing up without mums and dads who love and care for them while I grew up with my mum and my dad.

LR: What challenges have you faced? Slava: It's the daily decisions - who to help, how to help, when to help. I have contact with so many young people who have lists of needs. They call me daily plus there's developing the ministry as a whole and maintenance on Transition Homes. There are a lot of needs and jobs to be done - it is easy to burn out.

LR: Has the ‘Yarovaya Law’, that restricts how and where Christians can share the gospel, affected you in any way? Slava: It's in the media a lot so It's a consideration. I'm praying a lot about it and acting as wisely as I can and continue to help and share God's love with people in need here.

LR: What do you need to be more effective? Slava: I need God’s wisdom, God’s power, God’s Spirit to see His will clearly - more joy and peace in my heart. On a practical level I need the funds to subsidise the projects we have going but God is gracious and I trust Him for all our needs.

LR: If there was one thing you could change, what would it be? Slava: For me it would be more personal discipline to get rid of bad habits and to develop more good habits like more prayer and devotional time. For my work - that there would be more support from people locally, a shift in beliefs that orphans are worth making an effort for.

LR: How has working with Love Russia helped you? Slava: It is great to work with Love Russia. We praise God for such a friendship and partnership. It is great encouragement and support for us!

If you'd like to support the work of Mentors helping orphans with a one off or regular gift please click here >

*The names of individuals we help have been changed for their protection and privacy.
Love Russia Charity in partnership with...
Evangelical Aliance
Caring Hands
Heart for Orphans
SAC Orphans
Stoneworks International

Registered Charity: 1092154

Company Number: 04222680

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