LR: What got you into orphan ministry work? Slava: My broken heart. When I realised how kids were growing up without mums and dads who love and care for them while I grew up with my mum and my dad.
LR: What challenges have you faced? Slava: It's the daily decisions - who to help, how to help, when to help. I have contact with so many young people who have lists of needs. They call me daily plus there's developing the ministry as a whole and maintenance on Transition Homes. There are a lot of needs and jobs to be done - it is easy to burn out.
LR: Has the ‘Yarovaya Law’, that restricts how and where Christians can share the gospel, affected you in any way? Slava: It's in the media a lot so It's a consideration. I'm praying a lot about it and acting as wisely as I can and continue to help and share God's love with people in need here.
LR: What do you need to be more effective? Slava: I need God’s wisdom, God’s power, God’s Spirit to see His will clearly - more joy and peace in my heart. On a practical level I need the funds to subsidise the projects we have going but God is gracious and I trust Him for all our needs.
LR: If there was one thing you could change, what would it be? Slava: For me it would be more personal discipline to get rid of bad habits and to develop more good habits like more prayer and devotional time. For my work - that there would be more support from people locally, a shift in beliefs that orphans are worth making an effort for.
LR: How has working with Love Russia helped you? Slava: It is great to work with Love Russia. We praise God for such a friendship and partnership. It is great encouragement and support for us!
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