When you grow up in a family, you always see meals being prepared. From that, we develop an understanding of where our food has come from.

On our last trip to St Petersburg we had the pleasure of joining in with a social gathering that Yan & Nadya had organised for their youth. One aim of this evening was to introduce and integrate their orphans with some of the young people from the church. We arrived early and were delighted to find most of their orphans had also! They were keen to help get started and show off cooking skills that Yan and Nadya had taught them ready to feed their guests.
Watching them confidently prepare food, Nadya commented that this was amazing progress... just a short while ago she would never had allowed them to use knives as a group for fear of an accident! Over time, they have taught each of the orphans to feel comfortable in a kitchen. We watched Lena prepare a beetroot salad, Nasya made pizza from scratch and Yanick was proud of the 'special' way he had learned to slice tomatoes. It was heart-warming watching how capable their mentors' support had made them.

What wasn't so heart-warming was the disappointing turn out from the church... only one young person came to show these vulnerable young people they are accepted. It was sad to be faced with the reality that there is still stigma around orphans, that only one of the church youth group wanted to get involved. Yet, we had the most wonderful time! Yan and Nadya are raising a very large family; a family that knows how to have fun! After preparing the food, we played games that had everyone roaring with laughter before we chatted and shared our delicious meal together.
To support people like Yan & Nadya who raise an extended family, and a community that supports orphans, you can DONATE HERE.
Thank you so much for your continued encouragement of our work over 2019. Without the continued support of faithful individuals like yourself, this ministry would not be able to survive.
We wish you a blessed 2020!!